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The Center for Southeast Asian Studies Brown Bag Series Presents
Cambodian Cham Muslim during the Khmer Rouge Regime, 1975-1979
A talk by
Ysa Osman
Friday, March 17
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Tokioka Room
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Oukoubah is an Arabic word meaning "justice." This book explores the genocide of the Cham ethnic group, making a case that the Cham, who are Muslim, were killed at a rate that was double to nearly triple that of the general population. The author provides evidence showing that the Cham comprised 10% of Cambodia's population (roughly 700,000 people) before 1975, but numbered only 200,000 after the fall of the Khmer Rouge regime in 1979.
Mr. Ysa Osman presents case studies of 13 Cham prisoners at the infamous Tuol Sleng Prison, known to the Khmer Rouge as "Office S-21." The prisoners included seven Khmer Rouge soldiers, two Khmer Republic Government officials, a student, a fisherman, a Khmer Rouge interrogator at S-21, and a peasant who fled the regime. All were taken from S-21 to the "killing fields" of Choeung Ek and executed.
Oukoubah is based on 11 field trips to Kandal, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Kampong Chhnang, Kampot, and Koh Kong provinces, Krong Preah Sihanouk and Phnom Penh, where the author interviewed 207 people. The book's finding are also based on an extensive review of primary and secondary documents.
Ysa Osman is a Researcher at the Documentation Center of Cambodia.
This lecture is presented by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, University of Hawai`i-Mànoa. For more information, including building access for the handicapped, please call 956-2688.
When Broke Floats Response- 3/08/2006
When broken Glass Floats is sort of depressing in a sense. It always seems as if their is always another new tail of depression that i haven't heard about. This story in particular is new because this is the first time that I have heard about Khmer Rouge. I love to hear stories like this. Not for the bad but just to hear that people are strong enough to strive through these types of struggles. Stories like this let me know i have alot to be thankful for.
Free Write- 3/08/2006
Im hella late for real. I j ust got on this blogger stuff and let me tell you im not impressed. jus kidding. I dont know what to write about so i'll just talk until the page looks full. No but seriously, I love the way people always assume im jamaican. I guess every black dude with dreadlocks has to be jamaican now. You've got my word that the next person to ask me am i jamaican will be getting slapped.literally. Im not playin. i've had enough. you can test me if you want to. it wouldnt be wise though. : )