for those of you not present today, there is no essay due on Thursday, but one due on or before next Tuesday. We'll talk more about all this on Thursday, and do some work toward the essay.
English 100
February 6, 2006
Susan M. Schultz
Essay on your hobby
Due by Tuesday, February 12
Mary Louise Pratt introduces her essay, “Arts of the Contact Zone,” by writing about her son’s fascination with baseball cards. Through his experiences in collecting, trading and researching his cards, Sam learned an amazing amount about his world. In a three page essay, write about how one of your hobbies educated you. What was the most important lesson you learned from your hobby? What journey did it take you on?
I will be asking you to revise this essay, once I’ve commented on it. This does not mean that I’m asking you for a half-cooked fragment of an essay this time around. I want something well thought through, complete. The revision process will be all about stretching mental muscles a bit further than they go the first time. All good writers revise.
Before you start writing, I suggest you do the following:
--re-read the first two pages of Pratt’s essay, paying special attention to how she shapes her paragraphs, offers evidence, draws her reader in.
--spend 15 minutes or so doing a free-write, in which you vow not to pick your pen off the page or your hands off the keyboard. Write down anything you think might be relevant to the subject. For example, you might make lists of what you did as you learned your hobby, and then another, parallel list, of what those things taught you in a larger sense.
--talk to a friend about your ideas. Tell your friend to ask questions whenever he or she wants to know more about your hobby. Answer those questions as thoroughly as you can. You might use as a model Paul’s and my discussion of the phrase “da kine” in the last class.
--relax and let the words go. Writing is difficult, but if you think of this as an opportunity to share some of your knowledge with friends, and to explain how you do your hobby, it might also be enjoyable.