Friday, February 24, 2006

what's due and when

Yes, Paul, have a good one, you gentle kid-killa, you.

For Tuesday, write a strong revision of your hobby essay. Then
read 50 pages of Chanrithy Him's _When Broken Glass Floats_.
I'll ask Jason to say a few words about it, since he's a student of
Khmer language and history.

Thursday is the day you'll be responsible for the grammar goodies
I put on the board.

aloha, Susan

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Khmer visitors

I'm looking forward to our concentration on Khmer (Cambodian) history and culture. Here, Prof. Chhany Sak-Humphry, who teaches Khmer at UH (Jason is her student), announces a couple of important visitors. Unfortunately, I'll be gone when U Sam Oeur is here, but please find some time to support her and her visitors.

----- Original Message -----
From Chhany
Date Tue, 21 Feb 2006 18:00:58 -1000
To Cambodian Contact: ;
Subject Khmer Visitors

Aloha all.
In the month of March, the Center for Southeast Asian Studies have invited to guest speakers upon my recommendation.
1. Khmer Poetry Writer, Mr. U Sam Oeur, who wrote some of theses books Sacred Vows, Crossing Three Wilderness and many others poems will be here from March 8th to March 11th. On March 8th, he will come to talk to my class SEA Lit in Translation course at BUSAD E20, from 3:00 -5:30 pm about the bilingual book on Sacred Vows and his life story to share with everyone. Please come to join us at this time if you are free. After that, I will take him to have dinner at Anthony's (new Khmer and SEA restaurant, may be from 6:00 to 8:00 pm). You are welcome to join us for dinner.
On March 9th at noon time, I hope to get a room to ask him to share his professional work with our UH community. On that night (his last night in Hawaii), I hope if Bounnareth, Koulean or Vitou can help us to get Hale Halawai place, or at Hongly's church (if it is ok with your church and Hongly) so we can have a nice gathering to allow him to interact with our Cambodian Community. This will follow with Cambodian Pot Luck.
I do need you help with Sam's hospitality (since most of the time my mind is focus on my dad's health). Please do make suggestions.
2. Ysa Osman (A Cham from Documentation Center in Phnom Penh) will be here from March 12 to 24th. The Center for Southeast Asian Studies does have detail plan for him daily with various meetings and talk. However he would love to meet our Cambodian Community in Hawaii (since he met some of you before in Phnom Penh). I hope we can have a Pot Luck dinner with him on one of the night during his stay too.
Please contact Paul Rausch, associate director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies, or me about these 2 people. They are all going to stay at Lincoln Hall, across from Moore Hall.
I am sure they would love to have someone ehlp them tour the island etc..
I hope you can meet these fantastic people.
Again please forward message to our community and friends.
Take care,

Dr. Chhany Sak-Humphry
Assistant Professor
Coordinator, Khmer Language Program
University of Hawaii, Manoa
Department of HIPLL
Spalding Hall, Room 255
Phone: (808) 956-8070; Fax: (808) 956-5978
Cell Phone: (808) 561-6850

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Euphemisms: an analysis

An interesting verbal analysis of the reporting of the veep's recent accidental discharge of a hunting weapon in the direction of someone with whom he was acquainted:

Thursday, February 16, 2006

non-xeroxed update

I thought I sent this already, but in case it's not in transit--

Updated Week

T, 2/14: Finish Pratt; do directions

Th, 2/16: Workshop on your hobby essays.

T, 2/ 21: I will return your hobby essays. Revise them by Tuesday, 2/28. Read Richard Rodriguez’s “Desire, Reading and the Past.” We will discuss the essay in class.

Th, 2/23: Follow up on essays and Rodriguez.

T, 2/28: Hand in revised hobby essays. Start reading Chanrithy Him’s When Broken Glass Floats (first 50 pages.

Woohoo!! It's [almost] the weekend ^.~ I hope I'm not grounded...

Hahaha...yeah, I really don’t know what to write about but I thought I should do the blog since I haven’t been doing so the last few weeks (my bad ^.^) Anyway, I really don’t know what to write about at the moment. It’s kind of funny because I’m sort of contemplating what to write about because I feel like I don’t want to waste this opportunity to write about whatever I want. So I’ll just write about anything and everything that comes to mind. So where to start…

It’s 2:30 in the morning, and I’m bored and I’m trying to think of something to write about. This coming weekend is kind of on my mind. I LIVE for weekends; I don’t know what I would do without them LoL. I hope there’s something interesting to do this weekend; it sucks when the weekend is wasted when I do nothing. My weekend actually starts on Thursday nights because I don’t have classes Friday. (Woohoo!!)

Last weekend was pretty fun. Thursday I didn’t get to do anything because my friends (and family) had work or school, etc. That was kind of a waste, but it was ok, it was only Thursday. Then Friday I was supposed to go to my high school’s 9th grade Ala Moana Concert. It’s held every year around early February where the 9th graders plan out a concert at Ala Moana’s Center Stage. Upperclassmen, parents, and alumni usually go for support. I was planning to go but didn’t get a chance to because I had chores I NEEDED to get done. Supposedly I was grounded and I needed to do those chores as “payment” to go out (I still don’t understand how I can get grounded for staying up late to do homework, ESPECIALLY at my age). My friends and I ended up just going out later that night to eat and just hang around (better than staying around the house). Saturday, I ended up just going to the bank with my mom to open up another bank account and spent time with my family. The deal about my grounding was if I did my chores I could go out with my friends either Friday or Saturday but not both. It was ok though because it ended up that my friends were busy that day anyway. Sunday was the highlight of my weekend. Me and my friends were supposed to go watch a movie but ended up renting a karaoke room instead. We stayed for 3 hours, costing us $37, but it was worth it. We had a lot of fun sitting around and eating while we sang. I don’t know what it is about it, but we just have fun singing. Whether it's at a karaoke place or a home system or even just singing along to music in the car, we just have fun singing. It was funny, because at the end of the first song I was almost expecting the theme music from those at home karaoke mic's and a score to pop up. Instead it was just a commercial by the karaoke place advertising special rates on special days for certain people.

Just writing about weekends makes me want it to hurry up and get here. I hope this weekend is just a fun, if not “funner” ^.~

And I hope I’m not grounded. I hate being grounded because I usually don’t understand the reason behind it. I don’t understand how I can get grounded for doing my homework, even though it IS late at night. I mean isn’t the point to get it done? And that’s what baffles me at the same time. Why are my parents (actually just my dad) getting mad at the fact that I stay up late to finish my homework and then they question why my grades are the way they are? That’s why I don’t think I will ever understand parents…or at least fathers -_-”

Sunday, February 12, 2006

pratt essay


cough, sniffle...allow me to interrupt out of the discomfort of my head cold. Hey! The links between baseball cards, old Peruvian texts, and the Stanford curriculum are not immediately apparent, but they exist. It's your job as readers to figure them out! Go to it!

aloha, Susan

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Essay for next Tuesday

for those of you not present today, there is no essay due on Thursday, but one due on or before next Tuesday. We'll talk more about all this on Thursday, and do some work toward the essay.

English 100
February 6, 2006
Susan M. Schultz

Essay on your hobby
Due by Tuesday, February 12

Mary Louise Pratt introduces her essay, “Arts of the Contact Zone,” by writing about her son’s fascination with baseball cards. Through his experiences in collecting, trading and researching his cards, Sam learned an amazing amount about his world. In a three page essay, write about how one of your hobbies educated you. What was the most important lesson you learned from your hobby? What journey did it take you on?

I will be asking you to revise this essay, once I’ve commented on it. This does not mean that I’m asking you for a half-cooked fragment of an essay this time around. I want something well thought through, complete. The revision process will be all about stretching mental muscles a bit further than they go the first time. All good writers revise.

Before you start writing, I suggest you do the following:

--re-read the first two pages of Pratt’s essay, paying special attention to how she shapes her paragraphs, offers evidence, draws her reader in.

--spend 15 minutes or so doing a free-write, in which you vow not to pick your pen off the page or your hands off the keyboard. Write down anything you think might be relevant to the subject. For example, you might make lists of what you did as you learned your hobby, and then another, parallel list, of what those things taught you in a larger sense.

--talk to a friend about your ideas. Tell your friend to ask questions whenever he or she wants to know more about your hobby. Answer those questions as thoroughly as you can. You might use as a model Paul’s and my discussion of the phrase “da kine” in the last class.

--relax and let the words go. Writing is difficult, but if you think of this as an opportunity to share some of your knowledge with friends, and to explain how you do your hobby, it might also be enjoyable.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

some missing essays


For reasons of email glitch or simple procrastination, I don't have essays from some of you. Please get in touch ASAP if you are:

JoPierre (I know, you tried)
Megan (Sam said you sent, but...)

aloha, sms

Thursday, February 02, 2006

I Knew I forgot something!


If your last name begins with B through H, please make an appointment to see me in my office in the next 7-10 days. My official office hours are T-Th at 10:30. I'm also in on MWF, when I take Spanish from 11:30-12:30 (Hi Sam!). Tomorrow I'm giving blood at 1 p.m. so not such a good idea. I almost always pass next week!


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Highly recommended reading

This link gets you to the President's State of the Union address. I recommend reading it, and circling cliches (which appear in all politicians' speeches, of course). What do these cliches do for the President that using concrete details would not?

aloha, sms